Returns + Refunds
If your Order Number begins with the letters “I” or “B” (ex: B1625766240176), enter it here:
  • Where do I find my Order Number?You can find the number in your confirmation email or on the packing slip.
  • What if I can’t find the Order Number?Contact customer support at or call 1-888-412-2259.
  • What happens after I submit my Order Number for a refund?
    1. We will email you a preprinted packing slip which will include your return number. Just print it, include it inside the shipping box your item is in, and ship the item back to us.
    2. Once your order has been received at our facility, it usually takes 5-7 business days to process your refund.
    3. We will then issue your refund (minus the $9.95 restocking fee). You will also receive an email confirmation. Please allow 3-7 days for your bank to process your refund.
  • How can I cancel a subscription/recurring delivery?You can cancel the subscription option right here. Simply enter your Order Number like you would for a return, and you will be redirected to the Product Order page. Here you can cancel the subscription option by checking the box beside the item (right side), then checking the “Cancel subscription” box.